
Cuomo creates task force to fix Common Core ‘failures’

ALBANY — Gov. Cuomo announced Monday that he has appointed a 15-member task force to overhaul Common Core standards.

“This new system dramatically overhauled the status quo,” the governor said.

“These were massive changes in public education that would have been difficult to enact even if perfectly administered — which they were not. Now I believe the goal is the right one: high standards in education — we all want that. But the way it was instituted failed.”

The task force, which will include American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten, lawmakers, educators, leaders of parent groups and school-board representatives, will review the standards, curriculum and testing procedures in Common Core and recommend changes by the end of the year.

The panel will be led by former Citigroup Chair Richard Parsons, who also led Cuomo’s education reform commission last year.

The task force, which also includes State Education Department Commissioner MaryEllen Elia, has promised to seek input from unions, teachers and parents.