Hondo put his $ on Red

Hondo took a backwards step Friday when the Cubs failed their assignment against the Pirates to increase the accounts payable to 1,470 concepcions.

Saturday: Mr. Aitch will go with Lamb over the Mets’ sheep in wolf’s clothing — 20 units on the Squeaky Red Machine. Also, 20 units on Oregon to boot the Utes.

Obama has released former bin Laden bodyguard Abdul Shalabi, from Guantanamo. However, there was no quid pro quo this time, which means the U.S. must have all its deserters back. … Donald Trump’s lead among Republican candidates has shrunk, according to the latest Quinnipiac poll. Responded El Donaldo: “That poll’s a disaster. Nobody pays any attention to it. I’m doing incredibly well in all the polls that matter.”