
Carnegie Deli is hiring a pickle mascot

Carnegie Deli, which was forced to close in April after it was caught illegally siphoning gas from Con Ed, will hold interviews for its first-ever pickle mascot on Wednesday ahead of its reopening next month.

“Applicants can be green, as in inexperienced, or seasoned just like Carnegie’s delicious real pickles,” deli spokeswoman Cristyne Nicholas told The Post. “And no salty language, please; it’s a family establishment.”

Marian and Sarri Harper, co-owners of the Midtown eatery, hatched the idea.

They said they never considered any other character to be their mascot because pickles are an “essential” part of every gut-busting Carnegie meal.

The seasonal mascot will pass out pickles while dressed in a green body suit with white clown hands, Nicholas said, adding the deli will take suggestions for the mascot’s name.

The deli posted ads for the job outside its Seventh Avenue eatery and online.

Matthew Sacks, 23, plans to apply for the gig.

“A pickle — that’s American,” the Queens resident said. “When you bite into a pickle, there’s not a better sensation.”