
Man who peddled phony ‘Star Trek’ tricorders caught in new fraud scheme

Beam ​him upstate, Scotty.

An Illinois​ scam artist who copped to peddling a bogus health care tablet modeled after the famed “tricorder” used by Dr. Leonard​ “Bones”​ McCoy on Star Trek launched yet another tech fraud while out on bail, according to a Brooklyn federal court filing.

Howard Leventhal convinced investors to cough up millions to develop his phantom Trekkie device that purp​​ortedly provided health care professionals with patient information.

But while awaiting sentencing on that case, the inveterate con man pushed yet another bogus device on hapless marks – and even had a US Senator and a US Representative submit letters of support on his behalf, court papers state.

Rebranding himself as Edward Ben-Alec, Leventhal told potential investors that his latest creation would instantly link home health aides and nurses with patients, according to court papers.

He even conjured up an impressive tech resume that touted his decades of experience as a high level designer for Radio Shack.

Leventhal – who executed the scheme with one of his bail suretors – managed to convince an elderly Boca Raton man to fork over a $20,000 investment and promised fat returns.

Brooklyn federal prosecutors said Leventhal had a measly $12 in his account before the cash infusion and that he quickly blew the windfall on personal items from outlets including Starbucks, Target, Bath & Body Works and Radio Shack.

Leventhal convinced the same man to invest another $20,000 into yet another bogus Android app and quickly spent that money as well.

The feds are demanding the revocation of Leventhal’s bail package so that he can face fresh charges. He is slated to appear in court next week.

Prosecutors also noted that the chronic swindler was able to travel widely while running the scam despite claiming to suffer from “life and death” medical conditions, according to court papers.