
This Southern city is actually ruder than New York

New Yorkers may be rude to tourists, but at least we aren’t the worst.

Big Apple residents are only No. 2 in rudeness, taking a back seat to the citizens of Arlington, Texas, according to a puzzling nationwide study.

Data analysts at AlchemyAPI, in a study commissioned by air company Stratos Jet Charters, looked at tweets containing the word “tourist” between June 2014 and July 20 of this year.

The cities with the highest rate of negative tweets were, in order, Arlington, New York, Las Vegas, Boston, New Orleans, Orlando, Fla., Greensboro, NC, Phoenix, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

The 10 most tourist-friendly cities were, in order, Chicago, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Miami, Portland, Ore., Seattle, Washington, DC, Houston, Paradise, Nev., and Nashville, Tenn., according to AlchemyAPI.

Decima Cooper, marketing director for the Arlington Convention & Visitors Bureau, laughed off the survey — saying she couldn’t fathom how any Arlington residents could be upset at out-of-towners.

“We are absolutely amused,” she said. “We found this to be hugely humorous.”

Meanwhile, in New York, Twitter users reveled in the ill will.

“Good. I hate tourists,” @GRYKING tweeted about the study.

A Big Apple resident with the handle @childishfairy tweeted, “if you live in new york and you don’t hate tourists, please let me know your secret.”