
The biggest mistake you can make at a new job

I recently started a new job and have discovered that I’ve walked into a mess. There’s so much wrong with the way things are done here I don’t know where to begin — but when I point out the problems to my colleagues and boss, I’m met with resistance instead of gratitude. Now I feel like there is a negative buzz about me around the office. Any advice?

Can’t imagine why your boss and the staff aren’t grateful for the savior pointing out all of their deficiencies and the path to enlightenment and improvement. One of the worst things new hires can do is ride in on their white horse acting as though they are the smartest person in the room. Yes, some people are resistant to change — but it’s also true that people dislike being treated as if they don’t know what they are doing. When starting a new job, you first need to seek to understand where in the narrative you are entering the story, what preceded your arrival, and what’s currently in the works and planned for the future before you start critiquing and writing your own chapter. Once you’ve demonstrated you can do that, you’ll have greater influence and the ability to effect change — and be less prone to water-cooler hazing.

The recent tragedy in Virginia where the disgruntled fired worker killed the reporter and cameraman makes me not even want to be a manager anymore. I’m afraid to fire anyone. But am I overreacting? Are there any tips to help avoid such situations?

I don’t think being fearful about such tragedies is overreacting — it’s normal and prudent to be aware. It’s important to remember that such incidents are the rare exception — which, of course, is of no consolation to the victims or their families, and doesn’t defuse the fear such events can create in the workplace. As far as tips to help avoid such situations, most companies conduct periodic violence-awareness training to help employees recognize warning signs, unusual behaviors and what to do if you feel there is a potentially threatening situation. Also, treating workers you fire with the same respect and dignity with which you would want to be treated is just basic decency. Still, these tragic acts of violence clearly demonstrate some sort of mental illness — and nothing a manager or employer does is responsible for or can account for that.