
Mayor de Blasio can’t take the town-hall heat

Now we know why Mayor de Blasio — well into his second year in office — still won’t do any town-hall meetings: He can’t take the heat, so he stays out of the kitchen — and in his bubble.

With no advance warning, the mayor on Monday held an impromptu Twitter chat for his 234,000 followers — many of whom made clear they’re not huge fans.

In 40 minutes, de Blasio answered only about 10 questions on such substantive issues as his height (6-foot-6), his favorite boardwalk food (funnel cakes) and his favorite poet (First Lady Chirlane McCray).

Yes, he addressed a few serious issues. Asked what he’d done to fix the schools, the mayor replied: “Moved away from over-reliance on high-stakes testing and ended the misleading grading of schools.”

But he focused mainly on answering softball questions — while ignoring pointed queries such as: “You can’t seriously think that a few unruly topless performers in Times Square is a pressing issue, right?”

Or: “How does a cavalcade of SUVs from the UES to the Park Slope Y fit into the city’s climate change and resiliency plans?”

So much for the mayor who ran as a populist promising to reach out to “forgotten” New Yorkers.

What we have here is a Park Slope progressive who refuses to recognize the legitimacy of New Yorkers who see things differently.

Hence his remarkable isolation — and the rising resentment in minority neighborhoods at City Hall’s neglect.

It was only three months ago — 521 days into his term — that de Blasio finally agreed to take public calls on a radio show, something Mayors David Dinkins, Rudy Giuliani and Mike Bloomberg did weekly.

And still no town halls, though every mayor since Ed Koch has held them regularly. Even City Comptroller Scott Stringer and Public Advocate Letitia James hold such forums with constituents.

Back in May, we urged de Blasio to “talk and listen to your constituents on a regular, publicly announced basis. You might actually learn what’s really on their minds.”

In the three months since, he’s stumbled from one humiliation to another.

Maybe if he finally left Fortress de Blasio and started talking to New Yorkers — including those who disagree with him — he’d actually get out in front of a crisis.