Brady, Goodell fail to settle Deflategate; judge to rule this week

Deflategate quarterback Tom Brady will learn his fate by the end of the week, the judge hearing the appeal of the NFL’s four-game suspension said Monday.

Judge Richard Berman set the timetable​, saying he could rule as early as Tuesday or Wednesday​, after Brady and his reps from the player’s union and NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell failed to come to an agreement during a brief hearing in Manhattan federal court.

“It won’t be today, but it’ll be tomorrow or the day after,” or by Friday at the latest, Berman said.

The judge must either vacate or confirm Goodell’s decision to suspend Brady for his alleged role in using underinflated footballs in the AFC Championship game against the Indianapolis Colts last January. He can’t reduce or alter the punishment.

The stalemate continued despite the appearance of New York Giants owner John Mara in the courtroom — reportedly at Berman’s request — to join the talks.

Roger Goodell at court MondayRon Asadorian

Goodell left the courthouse about 11:15 a.m. and got into an waiting SUV without comment.

As a silent Brady left court 15 minutes later, fans cheered from across the street.

“Tom! Tom Brady, we love you man! we love you! Woo!” one shouted.

One Bostonian in a New England Patriots T-shirt, Jack Staid, 23, predicted Brady would be suiting up for the season opener against the Pittsburgh Stealers on Sept. 10.

“From the way the court proceedings have seemed to go, they seem to be going pretty well for Brady. So I’m fairly comfortable that Brady will get zero games but I guess we don’t know,” Staid said.

Jay Feely, a member of the executive committee of NFL players association, thanked Berman for his efforts to broker a deal.

“We tried our best to reach a settlement which we did not reach but I think for us it reinforces the desire and the need for an independent arbitrator in these matters of personal conduct,” Feely said.

Goodell and the Pat’s star QB had arrived separately and more than an hour early for their showdown, with fans yelling “You suck!” at the commish and “Tom, don’t settle!” to the gridiron great.

Berman has been urging both sides to settle, to no avail, leaving fans divided over what Brady’s punishment should be.

“I think he has been justly punished and should take it like a man,” said Atlanta landscaping-company owner Matthew Kiefer, who was in the area sightseeing, of Brady. “Winning at all costs shouldn’t be accepted.

“It will be a sad day if the judge overturned the punishment. I think it was reasonable and should be left to stand.”

Dr. Anthony Loizides, 46, of Westchester, who came to court for jury duty, ridiculed the hearings.

“It’s a waste of time and money for the American public,” he said.