
De Blasio’s first Twitter chat predictably goes off the rails

Mayor Bill de Blasio got an earful from disgruntled New Yorkers on Monday when he took to Twitter for a rare unscripted chat with constituents.

The live 34-minute exchange elicited more than 100 questions and comments, including many critical of his performance.

“You can’t seriously think that a few unruly topless performers in Times Square is a pressing issue, right??” wrote Brian Boucher, one of several users who blasted de Blasio’s handling of nuisance complaints at Times Square.

A user named Crissle chimed in, “Why does my local government appear to be more concerned with topless women in Times Square than the cost of rent?”

The rare open line to the mayor also yielded a handful of potshots, including one questioning who is really in charge of the city.

“Is @CommissBratton typing the responses, or is he telling you what to say over your shoulder and you’re typing?” a user named Alec wrote, referring to NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton.

Of the 10 questions de Blasio answered, seven were related to policy issues, such as homelessness, education and income inequality. The rest were softballs about his height, his favorite poet and his favorite boardwalk food.

“Funnel cakes, of course!” tweeted de Blasio, who has admitted he doesn’t normally operate his account, @BilldeBlasio.

Several users chided the mayor for answering fluff questions during the rare chat, which used the hashtag “#bdbchat.”

“Look at the substantive questions. Then look at which ones @BilldeBlasio chose to answer. (e.g., how tall are you),” Chip Aphelion tweeted.

Another user, Polly Mosendz, echoed, “Really taking on the tough questions.”

The mayor has recently made a number of appearances that gave him a chance to interact directly with members of the public.

He attended all three Mets games against his beloved Boston Red Sox over the weekend; on Saturday, he visited barbershops in Brooklyn; and on Thursday, he handed out emergency preparedness supplies at a Lower East Side housing development.

But de Blasio has yet to hold a town hall since taking office despite a campaign promise to do so.

Last April, he chatted with six “regular” New Yorkers on Google Hangouts — but four turned out to be campaign supporters.

It wasn’t until recently that he began taking calls during his radio show appearances. He is next scheduled to appear on “The Brian Lehrer Show” on WNYC Tuesday.