Fredric U. Dicker

Fredric U. Dicker


Cuomo won’t take a stance on Iran deal

Despite saying weeks ago that Sen. Charles Schumer had made a “persuasive case” against President Obama’s Iranian nuclear deal, Gov. Andrew Cuomo has repeatedly refused to say if he’s for or against the accord, prompting charges of crass politics.

Cuomo’s waffling has also provoked a sharp rebuke from a source close to Schumer, searing attacks from leading Republicans, and expressions of disappointment from a prominent Democrat and Cuomo supporter who is spearheading a local effort to kill the deal.

A well-known Democrat who has discussed the Iran agreement with Schumer told The Post, “It’s obvious the governor is trying to have it both ways, suggesting he agrees with Schumer’s critique that the deal benefits Iran and endangers America and Israel, but refuses to publicly oppose it.

“There’s still time for him to take a stand, but it looks like he’s going to remain silent,’’ the source continued.

Top Republicans, who oppose the Obama Iran deal, accused Cuomo of putting his loyalty to the president and the Democratic Party ahead of fellow Democrat Schumer’s “persuasive case.”

“This is a governor who craves to be seen as a national leader. Yet, despite being governor of the foremost target of Islamic terrorists, he takes a powder on the Iran deal, which puts the security of America and its allies at risk,’’ said state GOP Chairman Ed Cox.

Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino, Cuomo’s GOP opponent in last fall’s election, called it “shameful for the governor of a state that was the victim of the worst terrorist attack ever on US soil to stay silent on a sweetheart nuclear deal with the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, especially when he hasn’t hesitated in the past to opine on national issues.”

US Rep. Chris Gibson, a Republican from upstate Kinderhook weighing a challenge to Cuomo in 2018, accused the governor of “making a political calculation that to come down on one side or the other would ultimately hurt him.”

“The governor certainly made it clear that he supports President Obama on Cuba, but on the Iran agreement, he’s chosen to remain silent,’’ Gibson continued.

Brooklyn Democratic Assemblyman Dov Hikind, an Orthodox Jew and strong defender of Israel who has been attempting to rally political leaders against the agreement, said he had “absolutely no idea’’ where Cuomo stood on the issue.

“I wish everyone, including the governor, would put political affiliations aside and weigh in,’’ said Hikind.

There is a long tradition of New York governors developing their own “foreign policy’’ in response to international events of concern to large numbers of state residents.

During his three terms in office, Cuomo’s father, Gov. Mario Cuomo, weighed in repeatedly on issues such as opposition to the South African apartheid system, anti-Catholic discrimination in Northern Ireland, and support for Israel.

Repeated requests to Andrew Cuomo’s office over several days to find out the governor’s position on the accord were ignored.

More than three weeks ago, Cuomo, in response to Schumer’s just-announced opposition, called the agreement “a very difficult and very important issue.’’

Cuomo conceded that “if Iran had nuclear-bomb capacity, the world would be a much more threatened place.’’

Six New York Democratic members of Congress have joined Schumer in opposing the deal, while Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is in favor.