US News

British agent hacked Bill Clinton’s agenda before his mysterious death

A British spy whose bizarre death five years ago remains unsolved had illegally hacked secret info on former President Bill Clinton some time before his body was found stuffed into a padlocked duffel bag.

Undercover MI6 agent Gareth Williams — who was last seen alive in August 2010 — hacked into Clinton’s agenda as a personal favor to a friend, the British newspaper The Sun reported Sunday.

Williams snagged a guest list to a party that the former president planned to attend and handed the secret information over to a pal who was also invited to the event.

The breach of Williams’ security clearance provoked the ire of his MI6 bosses.

They raged over his misconduct as tensions grew with American security services over Williams’ trans-Atlantic work, according to The Sun.

“The Clinton diary hack came at a time when Williams’ work with America was of the most sensitive nature,” a source told The Sun, without pinpointing when exactly the breach happened.

“It was a diplomatic nightmare for Sir John Sawers, the new director of MI6 at the time,” the source said.

Williams’ death is one of the most mystifying unsolved cases in Great Britain.

Although a three-year police investigation concluded that his death was “probably an accident,” bits of evidence support more salacious theories, including a sex game gone wrong and a “Kremlin car” that appeared at his house days before his death.