
Average Brit loses one day per summer to hangovers

Brits kiss a day of precious summer sunshine goodbye — thanks to hangovers.

Nearly 40 percent of young adults ranging in age from 18 to 34 admitted that they missed out on a nice day because they were stuck inside nursing a hangover, according to The Daily Mail.

Of the 2,000 people in the study, which was commissioned by Cancer Research UK, most of them said their hangovers lasted about seven hours, causing them to miss out on an average of 22 hours of their short summers.

The study coincides with the return of the Dryathlon, a challenge run by Cancer Research UK where participants give up booze for the month of September to see how it affects people’s waistlines and wallets.

They created an interactive binge-booze calculator that shows people how much money they lose and pounds they gain because of their drinking habits.