
Cecil the Lion is the Halloween costume that will offend everyone

Here at Yahoo Travel we like to incorporate travel into our Halloween costumes when possible.

But this get up might be taking things a little too far.

Called the “Lion Killer Dentist Halloween Costume,” this outfit makes light of the controversial killing of Cecil the Lion earlier this summer. The costume comes with a severed lion’s head mask, bloody smock, bloody gloves, and dentist tools in the front pocket.

The costume retails for $59.99 on the website Costumeish, and CEO Johnathon Weeks said they decided to sell the costume after the company was flooded with requests.

Related: RIP Cecil: How You Can Help Protect Africa’s Lions

Still, Weeks admitted to TMZ that even though the costume went live at midnight on Tuesday, they’ve yet to sell a single one.

“2015’s most controversial killing has laid bare the rift in American and Zimbabwean attitudes toward exotic game hunting and animal conservation,” says the description on Costumeish. “Pitting an outraged mob against a Minnesotan dentist in a scandal sure to be remembered for a generation.”

If some brave soul decides to purchase this costume, they won’t feel totally guilty. 15 percent of all proceeds will got to the African Wildlife Foundation “Justice for Cecil.”

Still, if you’re looking for a lion-inspired costume, it might be smarter just to go as Simba.