
Dante de Blasio didn’t want dad’s help moving to Yale

Dante de Blasio went for a low profile on his college move-in day — by leaving dad at home.

Bill de Blasio’s son, who turns 18 next week, headed off to Yale this weekend for his orientation and opted for “as little fanfare as possible,” according to City Hall spokeswoman Erin White, Vanity Fair reported.

Apparently, the college newbie wanted to keep his arrival quiet without sparking a media frenzy surrounding his wildly unpopular dad.

So in efforts to garner a little less attention (despite his signature Afro ‘do), Bill’s security detail dropped Dante off at the university’s campus in New Haven, Conn.

However, Hizzoner shared a touching photo from afar:

The Mayor explained at a race in Harlem Saturday morning that he wasn’t adjusting quite well to the thought of being an emptynester, as Dante’s sister Chiara is a sophomore at Santa Clara University in California.

“I’m certain I will be crying at different points today,” he admitted.

Dante’s official college announcement i.e. a photo tweeted by his mother and NYC’s First Lady, Chirlane McCray declared that he decided on the prestigious Ivy League school in April.