Michael Goodwin

Michael Goodwin

US News

De Blasio is crafting his own downfall

Years ago, in a chat with then-Deputy Mayor Bill Lynch, I asked how the Dinkins administration set its agenda. Did it have daily staff meetings, consult with outsiders, poll public opinion?

Lynch, a respected, genial political operative who has since passed away, looked at me with surprise. “I wish we knew who set the agenda,” he said with a straight face.

At that moment, I realized the impression that the Dinkins mayoralty was being driven by events beyond its control was accurate. Whatever the problem, City Hall didn’t just seem to be caught off guard — it was caught off guard.

Something similar is now happening to Bill de Blasio. Mayor Putz is getting whacked like a ­piñata, and he always seems surprised.

One day, it’s murder mayhem, then an outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease, then a cheating scandal in the schools. Some days, like yesterday, it’s an avalanche.

The comparison with the Dinkins years is apt, but breaks down in one key way. Dinkins’ sins were mostly those of omission; de Blasio is the architect of his dis­asters.

His main campaign promise was to change the direction of the city, and, unfortunately, he kept that promise. He is taking New York backwards.

Although murder is up by 10 percent, reports show most major crimes continue to fall. Yet it doesn’t feel that way.

Many, if not most, New Yorkers believe the city is sliding downhill, and that each day brings us one step closer to the bad old days of terrifying lawlessness and public disorder.

The fear is fueled by enough anecdotes to make it rational — gunfire sprays, with children caught in the crossfire, increased muggings in Central Park, and disheveled maniacs, some violent, taking over sidewalks and subways.

In large measure, these are the fruits of de Blasio’s policies. He wanted a kinder, gentler police force, made Al Sharpton an adviser — and the result is a more violent, bloodier city.

He said he wanted more humane policies on welfare and homelessness, and hired as commissioner Steven Banks, the former head of the Legal Aid Society who spent 30 years suing the city agency he now runs.

As Heather Mac Donald wrote in the City Journal, Banks “helped create, through lawsuit, New York’s unique obligation to provide housing on demand to families claiming homelessness.”

Given his disdain for efforts to get people off welfare and into jobs, it is fair to assume that Banks is at least partially responsible for the surge of people living in parks, shelters and on the streets.

Then there’s Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña, lured out of retirement by de Blasio because no other established educator would adopt his policies. Intent on turning back the clock on mainstream reforms, he and Fariña embraced the teachers-union cartel and are thwarting accountability measures considered standard best practices. In their warped vision, rigorous teacher evaluations and charter schools are enemies, while the union parties like it’s 1970.

The outrageous cheating scandal The Post exposed is a prime example of de Blasio’s folly. The union puts the protection of jobs ahead of everything else, so handing out unearned diplomas is a no-brainer when the aim is to shield the adults from the consequences of student failure.

As one teacher told The Post, “The state, the city, the mayor, the chancellor all look good with an inflated passing rate.”

So true — until that passing rate is exposed as a sham. That’s where we are now, and it’s a perfect metaphor for de Blasio’s tenure.

Less than halfway through his term, he needs a shakeup at City Hall. Problems are multiplying, the quality of life is declining and he is isolated inside his bubble with like-minded lefties.

On the outside, he has squandered public goodwill by showing indifference to the daily travails of city life. Among government leaders, his high-handed lectures have earned him a cold shoulder and ill wishes.

If he has a reset button, now would be the time to use it. Before he runs out of time.

The Hill and Trump surprises

In the dog days of summer, even the gods of news are supposed to be too hot to be bothered. Just don’t tell that to the presidential candidates.

We’re a long way from November 2016, but already there are shocking developments. The meteoric rise of Donald Trump in the GOP bookends the dramatic decline of Hillary Clinton among Democrats.

A lot of smart money thought Trump would burn out by now and Clinton would march to a coronation. Both still could happen, but a cautious man wouldn’t bet on either. We’re in uncharted territory, and two impossibles suddenly seem possible.

If the Trump and Clinton developments share one thing, it is public discontent with politics as usual. His wildcat, spontaneous manner is making him the beneficiary of that mood, and she is being penalized because she lacks authenticity.

The Wall Street Journal captured her predicament in an interview with a labor leader. It said RoseAnn DeMoro, a member of the AFL-CIO’s executive council and head of the national nurses union, was disappointed after Clinton made a pitch for an endorsement.

“It’s sad because, as a woman, I think she’s unfairly judged,” DeMoro told the Journal. “On the other hand, she’s become so cautious that I actually don’t know what she thinks. I don’t know what she believes. I know what she says, but I don’t know what she believes.”

For better and worse, no one says that about Trump. His biggest test comes Thursday with the first GOP debate, where anything short of a disaster will probably be a win for him.

In that case, look on the bright side. Anything that makes The New York Times more apoplectic can’t be all bad.

Those devious Dems

Stop the presses — I am accused of being insufficiently cynical about Sen. Chuck Schumer.

Reader Tom Ferris scolds me and predicts this scenario: “You are underestimating the deviousness of the Democrats. They will line up just enough votes to get the Iran measure through, and give a pass to vulnerable Dems to vote against it. Schumer will vote against it, knowing it will pass. He won’t lobby other senators against it, and that will be enough for Obama.”


The report that Taliban leader Mullah Omar died two years ago was news to American intelligence officials. Despite the $10 million bounty on his head, the CIA was the last to know.

This is not the greatest intel failure — 9/11 was, with second place going to the “slam dunk” claim that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. There were also failures to spot the impending collapse of the Soviet Union, and North Korea’s ability to set off a nuke.

Still, the Mullah Omar episode offers fresh caution about the Iran deal. We don’t know what we don’t know, so trust is a fool’s errand.