US News

Buzz Aldrin spent 33 bucks on his trip to the moon

Apparently even a trip to space requires an expense report.

In tweets posted by the Apollo 11 voyager himself, Buzz Aldrin released photos of 1969 documents showing that the historic walk on the moon cost him a whopping (and reimbursable) $33.31.

The bill — which equates to approximately $215 today — was mainly for transportation on Earth, and makes it seem like the unprecedented flight shared similarities of your average business trip.

With the 46th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing on July 16 this year, Aldrin also posted a #TBT of his travel voucher along with his customs form detailing the moon rocks that he and fellow astronaut Neil Armstrong brought back from their trip.

“Yes, the Apollo 11 crew also signed customs forms. We brought back moon rocks & moon dust samples. Moon disease TBD,” the 85-year-old joked in his tweet. Aldrin brought back 50 pounds of rocks in total.

He also took to Twitter to share many other photos commemorating the flight with the hashtag #Apollo11 throughout the month.