US News

American doctor killed lion in ‘good faith’: guide

The Zimbabwean hunting guide accused of conducting an illegal hunt for a wealthy American doctor claims his client didn’t break any laws — and instead acted in “good faith” when he killed a lion with a bow and arrow several months ago.

Landowner Headman Sibanda, who is operator of Nyala Safaris, told The Associated Press on Monday that Jan Casmir Seski, of Murrysville, Pa., had all the necessary paperwork in place to hunt on his property outside Hwange National Park.

The Pittsburgh gynecology oncologist is accused of illegally tracking and killing a lion in April without the proper permit and on land where the sport was outlawed.

The Zimbabwe National Parks and Wildlife Management Authority alleged that Seski, 68, paid Sibanda and his company an undisclosed amount to let him bag the big cat.

Zimbabwean authorities have not said whether they plan to seek his extradition.

“[Seski] conducted his hunt in good faith, and now he is being treated as if he is some criminal,” Sibanda said. “He is an honest man who came into this country to give us business. He doesn’t deserve all this attention and harassment. He should be allowed to have a good night’s sleep because his conscience should be clear. Everything was done above board.”

Seski is the second US citizen to be accused of illegally killing a lion in Zimbabwe this year — joining Minnesota dentist James Walter Palmer in the hunter hall of shame.

Zimbabwean officials claim that Palmer killed Cecil the lion, one of the nation’s most beloved big cats, with a bow and arrow during an illegal hunt outside Hwange park last month.

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