
The day in photos

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A newborn bonobo sleeps on its mothers stomach in a Frankfurt, Germany, zoo.
A newborn bonobo sleeps on its mothers stomach in a Frankfurt, Germany, zoo. AP
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President Barack Obama greets veterans in Pittsburgh.
President Barack Obama greets veterans in Pittsburgh. Getty Images
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Voters line up in Ngozi, Burundi, for the presidential election.
Voters line up in Ngozi, Burundi, for the presidential election. AP
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A soldier participates in a military parade celebrating Colombian Independence Day in Bogota.
A soldier participates in a military parade celebrating Colombian Independence Day in Bogota. AP
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A farmer prepares rice saplings during monsoon rains on the outskirts on Mumbai, India.
A farmer prepares rice saplings during monsoon rains on the outskirts on Mumbai, India. AP
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White lions lounge in a heatwave in a Belgade, Serbia, zoo.
White lions lounge in a heatwave in a Belgade, Serbia, zoo. Andrej Isakovic / AFP / Getty Images
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Navy Petty Officer First Class Jorge Pereira hugs his sons upon his return home to Jacksonville, Fla., from a seven-month deployment.
Navy Petty Officer First Class Jorge Pereira hugs his sons upon his return home to Jacksonville, Fla., from a seven-month deployment. AP
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A helicopter flies by the Blue Creek Fire near Walla Walla, Wash.
A helicopter flies by the Blue Creek Fire near Walla Walla, Wash. AP
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Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez, right, raises the Cuban flag outside the Cuban Embassy in Washington.
Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez, right, raises the Cuban flag outside the Cuban Embassy in Washington. Reuters
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Members of the World Congress of Santa Clauses take part in the annual swim at Bellevue beach near Copenhagen, Denmark.
Members of the World Congress of Santa Clauses take part in the annual swim at Bellevue beach near Copenhagen, Denmark. Reuters
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The Milky Way glows above Salgotarjan, Hungary.
The Milky Way glows above Salgotarjan, Hungary. EPA
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A seal cools off in a Belgrade zoo.
A seal cools off in a Belgrade zoo. Andrej Isakovic / AFP / Getty Images
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Sen. Charles Schumer and Sen. Elizabeth Warren whisper in Washington.
Sen. Charles Schumer and Sen. Elizabeth Warren whisper in Washington. Getty Images
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Retired Army Col. Ben Acohido, 83, listens to President Barack Obama speak in Pittsburgh.
Retired Army Col. Ben Acohido, 83, listens to President Barack Obama speak in Pittsburgh. Getty Images
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Sen. John McCain winks at a Lindsey Graham campaign event in New York.
Sen. John McCain winks at a Lindsey Graham campaign event in New York. Reuters
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Ohio Gov. John Kasich announces his Republican presidential bid in Columbus.
Ohio Gov. John Kasich announces his Republican presidential bid in Reuters
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President Barack Obama high-fives a child in Pittsburgh.
President Barack Obama high-fives a child in Pittsburgh. Reuters
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An elephants is sprayed to cool down at a Belgrade zoo.
An elephants is sprayed to cool down at a Belgrade zoo. Andrej Isakovic / AFP / Getty Images