US News

Bravery of brothers-in-arms after Afghan convoy attack

The Taliban claimed credit for a suicide bomber who targeted a NATO military convoy on Tuesday, killing at least one person and wounding two dozen in the Afghan capital of Kabul.

Two US soldiers, four children and three women were among those injured in the blast that happened at 1:20 p.m. local time, about a half-mile from the US Embassy, authorities said.

All US Embassy staff have been accounted for and were not harmed.

The fundamentalist terrorist group, which once ruled Afghanistan, sent The Associated Press a text message claiming credit for the deadly attack. A Taliban leader also took to Twitter to claim his group’s role in Tuesday’s terror.

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“It was a suicide car bomber,” Kabul deputy police chief Sayed Gulagha said of the blast that sent a huge plume of black smoke over the city and scattered glass and metal across a main highway that leads to Kabul’s airport.

The killer’s weapon of choice was a bomb-filled Toyota.

“A suicide bomber in a Corolla detonated his car loaded with explosives near coalition force’s convoy,” said police spokesman Ebadullah Karimi.

The attack happened on a busy road, on a shortened work day, as businesses closed early for the Ramadan fasting month.

“I saw a Toyota Corolla target the convoy of foreign forces, I saw two to three damaged vehicles and wounded victims were everywhere and there was no one to help them,” bystander Ahmad Farhad said.

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