Sex & Relationships

This week’s couple: Age unlimit

When Ruth volunteered to be set up on a blind date by The Post, the 34-year-old literary magazine editor said she would prefer the guy not be younger than 30.

But George, a 28-year-old lawyer, seemed like a man wise beyond his years, so we sent them out for drinks and small bites at the hot Soho bar, Mulberry Project.

Did they have a good enough time to overcome their age difference? Read on . . .

He said:

Ruth was a bit late, but that wasn’t a big deal. When she arrived, my nerves settled quickly.

Once we started to talk, I realized quickly how intelligent she is. She also has no problem speaking her mind — an awesome trait. We found out we come from the same sort of small middle-of-nowhere towns, hers in the Midwest, mine in Pennsylvania.

The Mulberry Project was interesting. We didn’t order using a menu. Instead, we told the bartender what we like and he makes the drink. I like kiwi, so he made me a cocktail using that, and it was delicious — as was the food.

We ate and continued talking, then decided to double down on the night and go elsewhere to drink cheap beer and talk more. At the end of the night, Ruth gave me her card. I will be texting her.

She said:

For some reason I was expecting George to be 38. I was confused for the first 20 minutes of our date until we talked about college. That is when I realized his actual age is 28.

Once we got to talking more, I thought he was smart and grounded, and very kind. He had interesting things to say about politics and being a lawyer.

Mulberry Project was good. The first drink I had — tequila with cucumber and lime — was excellent. The fried calamari we shared was also tasty.

We had a nightcap at a nearby dive bar and hugged goodbye. I gave him my number. I had a lot of fun and would see him again, but I’m not sure if there is a romantic vibe between us. He may be a little young for me. Sometimes you need a few dates to figure that out.