
Study shows big uptick in city Lyme disease cases

New Yorkers have reason to be ticked off.

Cases of Lyme disease have jumped nearly 12 percent in 2014 compared with the year before — up a staggering 138 percent from a decade earlier, according to an advisory released Wednesday by the city’s Department of Health.

Also on the rise is anaplasmosis, another tick-borne disease that can cause fever, chills and a change in mental state. It was up about 39 percent last year compared with 2013.

Other tick-borne illnesses declined. Cases were highest in Manhattan, even if there’s little exposure to ticks there.

“Most cases reported a history of travel outside the city,” the agency noted in the advisory, which urges doctors to keep their eyes peeled and report all cases of tick-borne illnesses.

At least some New Yorkers weren’t bugging out.

“It won’t stop me from coming to parks,” said one 72-year-old man in Central Park. “I’ll just remember to check for ticks when I get home now.”