
Sony’s epic fail at the biggest video game event of the year

Sony Computer Entertainment president and chief executive officer Shawn Layden opened a press conference at the massive E3 video game conference with an introduction that informed the audience they were about to see some of PlayStation’s landmark releases.

“I believe we’re experiencing a historical evolution in gaming,” he said.

And this would be the case for a number of releases including Star Wars, No Man’s Sky, Horizon: Zero Dawn and the remake of Final Fantasy VII.

However, when it came time to end Sony’s showcase, things went terribly wrong.

The team said it had one more game to show and it required no introduction.

A short video soon revealed it was Uncharted 4 and the crowd was abuzz.

Well, at least it was until the cut scene ended and the real-time game demo failed to work.

On the big screen, in front of a packed arena, the demonstrator stood there fiddling with two controllers, trying to get the game to respond.

Unfortunately, he had no luck and stood on stage embarrassed, looking for an answer as to why the controllers were not working.

The crowd became agitated and Sony was beginning to panic.

With a cool head, the operator restarted the console in hopes it would work.

This meant the fans were forced to endure the video once more, and when the time came to showcase the game-play, thankfully, it worked and Sony breathed a sigh of relief.

The crowd erupted in applause and didn’t seem to be phased by the hiccup because the game-play was every bit as captivating as they hoped.

Regardless, the showcase was impressive, and Sony has promised some big news in the coming days.