
Clinton’s shady pals: Not quite ‘everyday’ Americans

Hillary Clinton will re-launch her floundering campaign today on Roosevelt Island, formerly and fittingly known as Welfare Island. Clinton’s desperate effort to associate herself with “everyday Americans” contrasts starkly with the crooked elites with whom she and Bill normally cavort.

In fact, the Clinton Foundation, Bill and Hillary’s elaborate slush fund, includes numerous donors and even board members with dodgy backgrounds, shady dealings and even criminal convictions that should repel rather than lure a once and perhaps future president of the United States.

Clinton Cash,” Peter Schweizer’s meticulously researched new book, details this ultimate power couple’s sordid circle.

  • The Securities and Exchange Commission charged Clinton Foundation trustee Vinod Gupta with fraud in 2008. He misallocated $9.5 million from InfoUSA, the database company he chaired, to finance credit-card bills, a yacht and 20 cars. He and the SEC settled for $4 million. Meanwhile, InfoUSA’s shareholders sued Gupta for flying the Clintons in the company jet and paying Bill $3 million in corporate assets for consulting. InfoUSA settled with stockowners for $13 million.
  • Great Britain’s Serious Fraud Office accused Clinton Foundation trustee Victor Dahdaleh of paying Bahraini executives £35 million (roughly $52 million) to win sales contracts for Alcoa, the US aluminum company, with which he was a “super-agent.” Dahdaleh was acquitted when a key witness, Bruce Hall, pleaded guilty to conspiracy but refused to testify against Dahdaleh. However, Alcoa pleaded guilty to its role in this skullduggery and settled with the Justice Department for $384 million.
  •  Sikh Indian restaurateur and hotelier Sant Chatwal was a Clinton Foundation trustee. He donated to Hillary’s 2000 Senate and 2008 presidential campaigns, directed millions in speaking fees to the Clintons and gave millions more to their foundation. During a May 2001 visit to India, Chatwal was arrested for allegedly defrauding the Bank of India of $9 million that he borrowed in 1994. He posted bail, “then fled India, boarding a flight to Vienna, despite an attempt by authorities to detain him,” according to the New York Daily News. In April 2014, Chantwal appeared in Brooklyn’s US district courthouse and pleaded guilty to witness-tampering and having “funneled more than $180,000 in illegal contributions between 2007 and 2011 to three federal candidates,” Hillary among them. He was sentenced to three years’ probation, a $500,000 fine and 1,000 hours of community service.
  •  Indian legislator Amar Singh hosted Bill Clinton in Lucknow, India, in September 2005. Singh, in turn, sat at the head table at 2005’s Clinton Global Initiative and soon dined privately with the Clintons at their home. He also gave between $1 million and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation. In September 2011, Singh “was arrested under the Prevention of Corruption Act for bribing three members of parliament during a crucial 2008 vote” related to a US-Indian nuclear-technology agreement. Singh never was tried. He was booted from his party, however, ending his political career.
  •  Claudio Osorio was CEO of Innovida, a Florida-based building-materials company on whose board Jeb Bush served. Osorio was a major fundraiser for Hillary’s 2008 campaign and supported the Clinton Global Initiative. Innovida scored a $10 million federal loan to build 500 homes in Haiti after its severe 2010 earthquake. Alas, those residences never were constructed. Osorio was convicted of financial fraud, namely using humanitarian assistance “for his and his co-conspirators’ personal benefit,” the Huffington Post reported. Osorio received 12 years in federal prison.
  •  In 1996, Lebanese-British businessman Gilbert Chagoury donated $460,000 to a Miami-based Democratic voter-registration group. He also attended the Clintons’ White House Christmas party that year. In 2000, Switzerland convicted Chagoury of money-laundering and “aiding a criminal organization in connection with the billions of dollars stolen from Nigeria during the [Sani] Abacha years” of military dictatorship, as PBS’s Frontline reported. In 2010, Chagoury was on the federal terrorist no-fly list. Whatever! The Clinton Foundation nonetheless accepted at least $1 million from Chagoury. His company also pledged $1 billion to the Clinton Global Initiative in 2009. That year, CGI gave the Chagoury Group a prize for “sustainable development.”

Democrats should think long and hard about whether nominating the first woman for president will involve hoodlums like these dominating the headlines amid a fall 2016 campaign that reeks of a RICO indictment.

Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News contributor.

Update: Dahdaleh’s attorneys have responded by asserting that his acquittal was based on the facts that “(i) Bruce Hall had pleaded guilty and gave evidence for the prosecution but the account he gave in Court on oath under cross examination did not provide evidence such that the prosecution had a realistic prospect of securing a conviction; and (ii) two key witnesses from the USA, the lawyers for the complainant company, Alba, were unwilling to attend trial in the UK and face cross-examination, which impacted on the fairness of the trial as well as the prospects of conviction.”