No Sawx for Hondo

Hondo did a painful split on Saturday night when he won with the Pirates and lost with Wacha getting walloped by the Dodgers, which left him with a slightly increased deficit of 715 houghs.

Sunday: Mr. Aitch will put his hard-earned DDPs (disposable dead presidents) on Mr. Wandyful — 10 units on Rodriguez to baffle the Sawx.

Former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley announced Saturday he will challenge for the ’Crats Presidential nomination. What chance does he have against Hillary Clinton and all those frequent flyer miles she amassed while accomplishing absolutely nothing as Secretary of State? O’Malley doesn’t even have a foundation that raises mountains of cash by using allegedly unscrupulous tactics. … There’s a new movie in the works called “Confirmation,” about Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill, who accused the nominee of sexual harassment. Most of the cast has been chosen, but word is producers haven’t been able to find anyone to play Ted Kennedy, who was on the Senate Judiciary committee. Apparently, there just aren’t many overweight, thirsty thespians who can match Ted’s incredible SuperSaggers.