
Citi Bike rider sought in purse, iPhone snatching spree

A crook is targeting women across Manhattan by swooping in on a rented Citi Bike and snatching their pocketbooks and iPhones, cops say.

Police have tied the pedal-pushing punk, who has been spotted on both a Citi Bike and an regular bicycle with a basket mounted on the front, to 11 ride-by muggings since early February.

He first struck at around 11:30 p.m. on Feb. 2, when he rode up beside a 32-year-old woman walking along Sixth Avenue and ripped an iPhone from her hand, cops said.

The thief last surfaced on April 29, when he stole a 42-year-old woman’s pocketbook on East 17th Street near Third Avenue at around 10:30 p.m., police said.

None of the 11 victims, all women between their 20s and 40s, was injured.

Investigators released a surveillance video of the bearded suspect pedaling a Citi Bike along the sidewalk in Gramercy.