
Hondo’s full of Carpe

Hondo fired up an air ball Friday night with the Nets, who were obliterated by the Hawks to raise the accounts payable to an even Steven 200 sturtzes.
Saturday: Mr. Aitch expects to hit the bullseye with Archer — 10 units on the Rays. Also, Mr. Aitch will put a unit on Carpe Diem to come up roses at the Derby.

Roger Goodell was roundly ridiculed for mispronouncing Marcus Mariota’s name Thursday night. Hondo is willing to give him a pass on that transgression and instead would prefer to ridicule him for being so lame he doesn’t have a Deflategate resolution more than three months after the fiasco. … According to an AP poll, 60 percent of Americans say Hillary Clinton is not honest. It’s unclear whether that is because she deleted 30,000 emails and destroyed her private server from when she was Secretary of State, or because of her shady, $100,000 score in cattle futures, or because of her claim about dodging sniper fire on a Bosnian tarmac, or because she said she was “dead broke” when she and Bubba left the White House or because of any number of other refutable claims she has made over the years.