US News

Retired warden wants Jeffrey Dahmer’s homicide re-examined

A retired Wisconsin warden is bolstering an inmate’s claim that serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer was whacked in jail with the blessing of prison guards.

Jeffrey Endicott, 65, who was the superintendent of the Columbia Correctional Institution at the time Dahmer and another inmate, Jesse Anderson, were bludgeoned to death there, said Wednesday that recent allegations made by their killer, Christopher Scarver, should prompt the Wisconsin Department of Corrections to re-examine the double homicide.

“I’ll be contacting the authorities at the Wisconsin Department of Corrections to inform them that [Scarver] has made some allegations that staff is complicit in the deaths of these two inmates and to look into it,” Endicott told The Post.

“Whether they make a decision to involve outside authorities to investigate the charge or to investigate it internally, that will be a decision they will make,” he added.

In an interview with The Post last Friday, Scarver accused prison authorities of being involved in the murders, but refused to elaborate out of fear of retribution by Wisconsin officials.

Despite his support for a new probe, Endicott said he does not believe that prison officials were complicit in the slayings — and that the original investigation found that Scarver had acted alone.

But Endicott also said that two guards — Donovan Dittberner and Robert Theiler — were disciplined for leaving their posts in the gymnasium where Dahmer, Scarver and Anderson were on cleaning detail that fateful day in November 1994.

Endicott noted that Theiler was stationed right outside the staff bathroom where Dahmer was working.

Theiler then inexplicably left just moments before Dahmer was viciously attacked.

Dittberner, Endicott said, disappeared while making a phone call.

Theiler and Dittberner have not returned calls for comment.

Endicott also backed Scarver’s motive for killing Dahmer, saying that the child-molesting cannibal played practical jokes on staff and other inmates.

Corrections officers, Endicott said, discovered a simulated penis made out of sausage and cheese inside Dahmer’s prison cell that he planned to use in one of his sick jokes.

Dahmer — who confessed to killing 17 men and boys and dismembering and eating some of them — was disciplined for the penile infraction, Endicott said.

Scarver said he killed Dahmer because he was fed up with the serial killer’s twisted antics.

He said Dahmer would fashion severed limbs out of food, douse them in ketchup to simulate blood and place them around the prison to creep people out.

“He crossed the line with some people — prisoners, prison staff,” Scarver told The Post. “Some people who are in prison are repentant, but he was not one of them.”