
‘Predator’ gets 184 years in jail for forcing underage girlfriend into sex films

A Brooklyn judge ripped into a Borough Park man Thursday for being a “bane on all decent individuals of society” as he sentenced him to 184 years in jail for forcing his underage girlfriend to sleep with multiple men while he filmed the sick trysts.

“You, sir, are a predator. You are a defiler of our young, you are a liar and a perjurer. I wish I could give you more time in jail,” Judge Vincent Del Giudice admonished Mario Valdivienzo in Brooklyn Supreme Court.

The victim was just 13 years old when Valdivienzo, now 38, preyed on her, duping her into believing he loved her and then “pimping” her out to several men and filming the sex acts, prosecutors said Thursday.

The creep also recorded his own sexual encounters with the victim.

Valdivienzo was convicted by a jury last month of multiple counts of rape, criminal sex act and child endangerment.

“She so desperately wanted the sense of being loved. You twisted her youthful emotions for your own perverted [intentions],” the judge charged. “You abused her.”

But Valdivienzo was far from remorseful Thursday prior to being slapped with a virtual life sentence.

“The only thing I have to say is … it’s a lie. I am going to appeal this case,” he said through a translator.

The perv, who worked with the victim’s mother, dated the teen from 2007 to 2010.

The relationship ended when she moved out of the state, according to the Brooklyn DA’s Office.

Their illicit affair was revealed when the victim’s cousin — who was dating Valdivienzo at the time — discovered the sex tapes and called the cops.

Assistant District Attorney Olatokunbo Olaniyan read a statement from the now-20-year-old victim, who wasn’t in court.

“Being 13, all I wanted was to be loved and feel someone want me,” she wrote. “I found that in Mario but he used that to make videos of me. I’m happy knowing he is away in jail. He can’t hurt me … I feel free.”

Valdivienzo’s attorney Edward Friedman asked the judge for leniency on the sentence — for the sake of the victim.

“If she realizes the man she loved is doing 40 years because of the conduct he had with her, I don’t think that benefits her,” Friedman said.

Brooklyn DA Ken Thompson said the victim will “likely never be the same” after the sick crimes.

“Today’s sentence reflects the seriousness of his deplorable acts and guarantees that this sexual predator will spend the rest of his life behind bars, where he belongs,” he added.