Hondo earns his stripes

Hondo regained his winning touch Wednesday with the Tigers, who tripped the Twinks to lower the NRN (nasty red number) to 95 mossis.

Thursday night: Mr. Aitch hopes to wax poetic about Detroit Simonizing Duffy and the Royals — 10 units on Alfredo.

As the probes into financial chicanery by the Clinton Foundation continue to dog Hillary, don’t be surprised if she doesn’t play her ace again — wipe the server clean and destroy all records. In fact, Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake says The Pantsuit should be given all the space she needs to destroy any incriminating documents. … Hillary weighed in on Baltimore and called for police departments throughout the country to outfit their officers with body cameras. Emailer Mjanealy, meanwhile, is calling for body cameras for her and Bill so we can see if the Clinton Foundation shakedowns/donations are on the up and up … Bill Clinton is visiting Africa on a 9-day excursion allegedly to highlight the important work done by the Clinton Foundation. That probably could be best accomplished by revealing the value of Bill and Hillary’s personal investment portfolio.