
Serial ‘green card’ bride made money from marriages

Serial bigamy is a lot more lucrative than it used to be.

Immigrants looking for green cards will pay sham spouses thousands of dollars for an “I do,” said one law enforcement source familiar with the latest “serial bigamist” case — that of Liana Barrientos of The Bronx.

The bridal-binging Barrientos, 39, was charged last week with marrying 10 green card-seeking grooms over the course of a decade.

Tracy Barrientos and Liana Barrientos (right) leave Bronx Criminal Court after being arrested for cheating subway fare.Wayne Carrington

It’s a boom business, according to the source.

“It used to be the bigamist would make $500 a pop for these citizenship marriages,” the source said.

“But now they’re making thousands depending on the need for the green card.”

Barrientos pocketed $2,000 for at least one of her marriages, authorities said.

A few of her grooms were from “red flagged” countries suspected of harboring terrorists. One of them, Rashid Rajput, was sent back to Pakistan in 2006 after allegedly making threats against the US.