
Condo board fumes over trust-funder’s ‘pot smoke’

A 27-year-old trust-funder is smoking out the neighbors of her ritzy Chelsea condo by sending constant plumes of pot throughout the building, the board complains in a new lawsuit.

Jacqueline Lasdon, 27, whose late pharmaceutical magnate grandfather left her a $2.5 million trust fund, bought a two-bedroom at the Onyx Condo on West 28th Street and Eighth Avenue in 2014.

Almost immediately after she moved into the $2 million pad, the board was “inundated with complaints concerning unreasonable and offensive levels of cigarette and marijuana smoke emanating from the unit into the condominium’s common areas, residential units and commercial unit,” the suit says.

The residents also moan about “the regular influx of transient persons residing in the unit.”

But Lasdon, whose grandfather Stanley Lasdon was the philanthropist and former director of the Warner-Lambert Co., said she was clueless about the problem.

“I’ve heard no word of this,” she said. “I’m a little frazzled by it. I need to figure out what’s going on.”

When asked if she smokes in the building, Lasdon said, “Definitely not pot.” She added she stopped smoking cigarettes in her pad “months ago” when an upstairs neighbor complained.

“It got it handled as far as I know,” Lasdon said.
But the suit says Lasdon’s been warned about her behavior and has refused to stop puffing.

As far as the “transients” claim in the lawsuit, Lasdon insisted that only two friends visit her on occasion.

“There’s not parties here or anything like that,” she claimed.

The board, which represents 52 residential unit owners and two commercial tenants, says its bylaws prevent residents from making “objectionable noises or odors.”

The board wants to boot Lasdon, a sometime cabaret performer who’s had shows at the Hudson Hotel in Columbus Circle and the now-shuttered Woody’s in the East Village.

It’s also suing for attorneys’ fees and other costs.

Lasdon, who said she trained to be an opera singer in high school and during one year at Drew University, styles herself as “the prophet of fashion to come,” according to a press kit.

She also hosts dance parties where she encourages clubgoers to “live out a fantasy.”

Online images of Lasdon show her coated in glitter with multi-colored hair streaks.

In a 2010 interview for a Web site called “Women About Town” the rich kid said her dad encouraged her to sing rock and roll instead of classical music. Lasdon said she is inspired by the “freaky downtown scene,” with a “soft spot for drag queens.”

“I’m getting paid to have a good time,” she boasted.