
Courageous teen saves mom from being raped by drunk man: cops

A brave Brooklyn teen saved his mom from being raped by a sloshed sex fiend in the hallway outside the apartment, police said Thursday.

“He was crying. My son was traumatized. No 16 year-old should have to go through that,” said the victim’s husband, who asked only to be identified as Corey. “He told me, ‘I heard it Daddy. I wish I had caught him.’ I told him, ‘You did a good job. You are a hero. You saved your mom.'”

The 6-foot-4 suspect first approached the 38-year-old woman at 11:30 p.m. on Wednesday at a Williamsburg bodega at Havemeyer and South 3rd Street and tried to strike up a conversation, according to police.

She wasn’t interested and walked away. But the man followed her on Driggs Avenue to her building, then told her he knew someone who lived there and asked to be let inside, sources said.

The woman allowed the man — who reeked of alcohol — to go inside, and he attacked her in the hallway outside her apartment.

He punched her in the face and ripped off her clothes as she screamed for help, sources said.

A resident of the victim’s building said surveillance video captured the vicious assault and rape attempt.

“He threw her down the stairs to the third floor,” the victim’s neighbor said of the video.

“Then he dragged her down to the second floor. As he was dragging her he was trying to pull her jeans down.”

That’s when the victim’s son emerged from their apartment and scared the would-be rapist off.

The victim refused medical attention at the scene, authorities said. No arrests have been made, according to police.

Witnesses describe the suspect as about 6-foot-3 and weighing over 200 pounds.

He was last seen wearing blue jeans, a blue and orange jacket, yellow hat with logo. He also had sunglasses with gold trimmings, according to witnesses.