
Meet Kanye’s favorite new artist — Fetty Wap

As Fetty Wap will tell you, the best things in life come to those who wait. Over a year ago, the then-unknown rapper from Paterson, NJ, uploaded his catchy self-made track “Trap Queen” to Soundcloud. Now, it’s a Billboard Top 10 hit, with 13 million plays on Spotify and 25 million hits on YouTube. With a new record deal, Wap (né Willie Maxwell) tells The Post, half-jokingly, “Two years from now, I can see myself riding down Rodeo Drive with my kids in a Ferrari.” Here are four things you need to know about Fetty Wap:

He only has one eye

Wap lost his left eye to congenital glaucoma. “It was supposed to affect both eyes,” the now-24-year-old says, “but before it could affect my right eye, the doctor cut the left nerve [and removed the eye] to stop me from being completely blind.”

Fetty used to operate outside of the law

In Paterson, Wap and his then-girlfriend had to do whatever they could to survive. “I was getting money through dealing [drugs], and the song is about us dreaming of having fancy things one day,” he explains. “I’m not with that girl anymore but she’s gone back to school and I have my music career. We’re definitely not doing illegal activities anymore!”

Kanye West is a fan

At a February Madison Square Park concert, where both performed, West told the newcomer that “Trap Queen” was his favorite song. “That was life-changing for me,” Wap says. “Kanye told me to keep doing what I was doing — he was really humble.”

Strippers love him

The first time Wap performed “Trap Queen” was at an Atlanta strip club. “The ladies got out of their chairs and started dancing, and people started throwing money. That’s how I knew it was a good song!”