
‘Million Dollar Contractor’ cast caught in real-life gun drama

The cast of a popular home-improvement show got caught up in a scene out of “Law and Order” when a deranged man broke into a house next to where they were filming and fired at cops Monday, sources said.

The creators of “Million Dollar Contractor” watched in awe as a SWAT team armed with M16s stormed the house in Ridgewood, Queens, Monday to confront a man who had taken a woman and child hostage.

Jeremiah Clark, 27, fired a single shot at officers during the 8:45 a.m. confrontation. He missed, and was soon talked into giving up, police sources said.

“It literally happened within 30 feet from us,” said the show’s star, Stephen Fanuka, known as the “Contractor to the Stars.”

“At first, I thought, ‘Hey, some police are here.’ A minute later, there’s more police here. Now a SWAT team with M16s is here.”

Clark, a New Hampshire resident, started out by parking his Dodge Dart at 56th Avenue and 61st Street and walking up the road allegedly waving a gun.

A woman who was dropping off her child at day care saw him and tried to get into her car and flee. He fired at her and missed, police said. Witnessed called 911 and cops soon arrived.

Clark then tried to escape by allegedly breaking into a house on 56th Avenue. Cops ordered him to come out, and he responded by saying, “You’re not the police” and allegedly firing a single shot at them. It hit a wall.

Cops finally talked him into dropping the gun. He was charged with attempted murder, assault and burglary.

Four officers were hospitalized with unspecified injuries.

“These officers showed some pretty incredible restraint,” a police source said.

Fanuka, too, had praise.

“In that neighborhood, there are kids everywhere,” he said. “The cops completely kept their cool and didn’t return fire.”