
Protesters demand ‘real’ ethics reforms from Cuomo

Protesters chanting “corruption out, morality in” delivered a petition with 2,000 signatures to Gov. Cuomo’s Midtown office Monday demanding “real” ethics reforms.

The demonstrators, who included members of the clergy and officials from good-government groups, said they support the ethics-reform package Cuomo inserted into the state’s new $142 billion budget.

But they argue the proposed changes — which face an uphill fight in the Legislature — don’t go far enough.

“They’re reactive to specific problems, but they’re not a wholesale overhaul of our ethics and campaign finance law,” said Susan Lerner of Common Cause.

The good-government organization is asking Cuomo to close loopholes in the campaign-finance law, limit and fully disclose lawmakers’ outside income, and curb the use of per diems — all of which were part of his reform package.

Kristina Andreotta, deputy organizing director of Citizen Action of New York, said Cuomo’s failed in his bid to make Albany more transparent.

“Gov. Cuomo made a promise to voters that he would . . . institute a system of public financing of elections, to get big money out and give everyday voters access to our democratic system. Instead, he’s done the exact opposite,” she said.

“He’s become the poster child of big campaign contributions.”

Cuomo has vowed not to approve the new budget if legislators don’t back the reforms.

A Cuomo aide reiterated that Monday.