
Gett’s NYC price drop ramps up pressure on Uber

Uber’s biggest global competitor is turning up the heat in New York.

Gett, the black car ride-hailing app — whose counterpart GetTaxi is No. 1 in Europe — slashed prices on New York City flat fares by 25 percent Monday.

Gett’s surge tack-on is fixed at $10 and a special flat fare of $10 is being offered for any ride in Manhattan between Houston and 59th streets.

Elsewhere, the new, reduced fares will be consistently lower than what Uber charges, spokesman Rich Pleeth said.

At the same time, Pleeth admitted that Gett cars can be scarce around peak times. That’s why the company is aggressively recruiting drivers, with a goal to grow its fleet from the current 3,000 to 13,000 by Dec. 31 — on par with the Big Apple’s yellow cab fleet.

Gett says it’s dangling better driver compensation packages to attract applicants, paying twice as much per minute as Uber does, although Uber’s driver compensation also has a mileage component.