US News

Congressman took staffers on lavish trip on taxpayers’ dime

A congressman — who last month had to repay the government $40,000 after it was revealed he used taxpayer money to decorate his DC office based on the sets in “Downton Abbey” — is in the hot seat again for treating 10 staffers to a lavish trip to New York City.

Rep. Aaron Schock (R-Ill.) shelled out more than $10,000 in taxpayers’ cash last Sept. 27 and 28, including nearly $6,000 for rooms at the New York Palace hotel, according to a report in The Chicago Sun-Times.

The Peoria pol also forked over $1,272 to eat at the hip Mercer Kitchen in Soho and $554 at Bergdorf Goodman’s restaurant on Fifth Avenue.

The three-term rep, 33, and his posse were in the Big Apple to attend events involving Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, including his speech at Madison Square Garden.

Schock told the Sun-Times the Modi events featured 12 world leaders and that he even introduced the prime minister at one event.

“If that’s not official, I don’t know what is. I’m glad that my staff was able to go,” Schock said.