
Cops ramp up security after 2 men seen videotaping synagogue

Two men were seen videotaping the outsides of two south Brooklyn synagogues Saturday afternoon — and cops are now adding extra patrols to area, sources said.

The unidentified men were spotted recording cell-phone footage outside the Congregation Bet Yaakob at 1801 Ocean Parkway and nearby Congregation Beth Torah at 1061 Ocean Parkway starting about 4 p.m., sources said. They drove off in a car with expired plates.

Surveillance footage from outside Congregation Bet Yaakob showed one man in a black jacket and blue jeans posing in front of the synagogue on Ocean parkway and Avenue R while his bearded buddy taped him. A security guard from the synagogue eventually shoos them away.

“NYPD stepped up security at shuls in response to these 2 men taking videos of shuls in Brooklyn,” tweeted local Councilman David G. Greenfield, who posted the surveillance footage.

Greenfield also tweeted that the men were driving a blue Honda with Delaware plates and urged anyone who saw them to call 911.