
Judge once again releases alleged cop-puncher without bail

The Brooklyn man released without bail in December by a cut-’em-loose judge after he allegedly punched a cop and threatened to kill other officers left court a free man again Thursday as he turned down a plea offer.

“We plead not guilty,” Adam Lubow, a lawyer for Travis Maye, said at Maye’s arraignment in Brooklyn Supreme Court.

Prosecutor Glenn Singer said, “[The] people are ready [for trial]. There’s an offer of three years jail.”

“What’s the bail status here?” asked Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Joseph Gubbay.

“ROR,” said his clerk, meaning that Maye, 26, was free without bail, or released on his own recognizance.

“Bail status continued,” Gubbay said.

Brooklyn Criminal Court Judge Laura Johnson was on the front page of The Post two days in a row in December, first for freeing without bail a gangbanger accused of posting anti-cop death threats online mere days after a man fatally shot NYPD cops Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos in Bedford-Stuyvesant.

Johnson graced The Post’s front page again the next day after she released Maye without bail, ignoring a prosecutor’s request for $100,000 bail and the admonishment of a court boss who told her that she should be setting an example that assaulting and threatening cops wasn’t acceptable.

Maye is accused of taking swings at cops at Flatbush Avenue and Prospect Place in December, socking one officer in the eye and sending him to the hospital, court papers state.

After being pepper-sprayed, stunned with a Taser and put in handcuffs, Maye ranted at the cops that he would “find out where you live” and “get you,” according to the court papers.

“You will die!” he allegedly ranted.

“This case is not like the cases involving online threats to police. Mr. Maye is a responsible father of two and he hopes this can be resolved in a positive manner for all involved,” said his defense attorney, Lubow.

Maye declined to comment.

Mayor de Blasio reappointed Johnson to the bench on New Year’s Eve.