
Dad faces 220 years behind bars for molestation conviction

A Brooklyn jury on Thursday found a father guilty of 31 counts of molestation against his own young son.

After rendering their verdict, many of the men and women lashed into the depraved dad — who represented himself at trial — for forcing the boy to further endure two grueling days on the witness stand.

“It was malicious. The way he was asking the questions was like he was trying to trip his son up and make him mess up, so he could get off easy. It was hard to bear, the whole thing,” said a male Brooklyn Supreme Court juror, 20, from Flatbush.

“That’s your son. You’re supposed to be there for him, not against him,” said the juror, who didn’t want his name used.

The 39-year-old father, whose name is being withheld by The Post to protect his victim, shook his head slightly during the three minutes it took the jury forewoman to repeat the word, “Guilty” 31 times for each of the charges against him, including sex abuse and incest.

He could get up to 220 years behind bars when he is sentenced March 24.

“The boy was courageous to get up there and say what happened, without a doubt, and look his father straight in the eye and admit what he did to him,” said a female juror, 60, a paralegal from Flatbush, of the 14-year-old victim.

“Everything the father did was very selfish and self-absorbed. It was catered to him and what he did and the outcomes he would face and there never seemed to be any concern for the son,” said another female juror, 23.

“Ultimately he was so preoccupied with defending himself that he showed no emotion or concern for what his son was going through.”

In one chilling portion of the father’s cross-examination of his son, he asked, “Do you love your father?”

The boy, who was just 8 when he first abused him, paused for several seconds before answering, “I don’t know.”

Brooklyn assistant district attorney Joan Erskine said during trial that the father abused his son from 2009 through 2011.

The son lives with his mother upstate and stayed with his father during the summer.

The one-week trial was marked by the father bungling through legal issues and asking his son irrelevant questions like whether he had bought him an Xbox as a birthday present.

“I think he had a fool for a lawyer,” said the 60-year-old paralegal who sat on the jury.

“He was a smart-ass who thought he could get away with it by getting up there and saying he was representing himself.”

Jurors said the most damning piece of evidence was the confession the father signed when he was arrested. They deliberated for a total of about two-and-a-half hours.

The father was selfish to the end.

“Excuse me, Your Honor, I would like protective custody when I go upstate,” he whined.