
Father and uncle of slain boy busted for robbing bank

The father and uncle of a Brooklyn boy who was butchered to death by a madman in an elevator last year have been busted for a 2012 armed bank heist, court papers show.

Nicholas Avitto and his brother, Scott Avitto — who were consoled by Mayor de Blasio at the child’s funeral last year — allegedly entered a Sovereign Bank with a third man and made off with $8,197. The robbery occurred two years before Prince Joshua Avitto, 6, was murdered.

The boy was killed and his 7-year-old pal, Mikayla Capers, severely injured when schizophrenic lunatic Daniel St. Hubert barged into their elevator and slashed them wildly with a steak knife.

The barbarity of the crime stunned the city, and the Avitto family was showered with condolences and expressions of sympathy.

Nicholas and Scott Avitto were consoled at the boy’s funeral by Mayor de Blasio, Al Sharpton, and a throng of well-wishers including NBA player Taj Gibson, Joshua Prince’s cousin.

But the Avitto brothers now face the prospect of lengthy prison terms after the feds finally linked them to the brazen armed stickup.

Nicholas Avitto was arrested Friday while his brother turned himself in to authorities Wednesday. Both men were held without bail.

7-year-old Prince Joshua Avitto was killed in the stabbing.

According to court papers, Nicholas Avitto was armed with a gun, and the whole crew wore baseball caps, sunglasses and gloves to obscure their identities.

His relative allegedly ordered a teller to fork over cash.

“Give me the money,” Scott Avitto said, papers state. “No dye packs.”

He was actually busted for the heist a year later, but the charges were dropped because of a lack of evidence.

But the pair were eventually felled when their unnamed accomplice began cooperating with the feds in June, less than a month after the boy’s death.