David Stern pooh-poohs Knicks email flap: ‘That’s a nothing’

Adam Silver brushed off Knicks owner James Dolan’s nasty email response to disgruntled fan Irving Bierman as the hackles of a “consummate New Yorker” and told The Post he would not discipline Dolan.

Silver’s mentor, previous NBA commissioner David Stern, doesn’t even think it’s worth that much consideration.

“In terms of all the things that people should be held accountable for … if you are looking for every email that gets sent to a fan who sends a nasty email, I’m sorry … that’s almost beneath the commissioner’s duties,” Stern said Monday night at a lecture event at NYU, according to ESPN.

“Would I discipline James Dolan for that email? Why would I do that?”

Stern, who retired last February after three decades running the NBA, said the league’s leadership has much bigger things to worry about than an overblown series of sniping emails.

“That’s a nothing,” Stern said. “There have been some serious issues in our time from Magic [Johnson’s HIV] to Ron Artest to you name it, we’ve dealt with it. This doesn’t raise … this is just New York at its best, which is let’s make something out of nothing.”