
NY Democrats claim ‘clerical error’ for deficit calculation mistake

After amending campaign filings with the Board of Elections three times this week, the New York County Democratic Committee still can’t seem to calculate its deficits correctly.

It listed a July 2014 donation from Assemblyman Denny Farrell (D-Manhattan) (right) as being for $2,000 — but after inquiries from The Post, the contribution turned out to be a check for just $200.

“I’m sure it was a clerical error, where the $200 was entered as a $2,000,” said War Room Consulting head Charlie King.

The committee first changed its January 2015 disclosure filing Wednesday after The Post inquired into why state records showed it owed more than $118,000.

The initial change, which included additional contributions, resulted in its debt being reduced to $21,000.

Later Wednesday, more contributions were added, and the debt was knocked down again to $10,000.

The New York County Democratic Committee is the financial wing of the Manhattan Democratic Party .