US News

Fugitive widow of Paris terrorist possibly seen in new ISIS video

A woman seen in an Islamic State video may be Hayat Boumeddiene, widow of the man who murdered a policewoman and four men in a kosher market siege in Paris last month, CNN reported, citing a source close to the investigation.

The video, titled “Blow Up France 2,” was released Tuesday by French-speaking Islamic State fighters. It shows a militant calling for new attacks in France, CNN reported.

A woman clad in camouflage clothing and holding a weapon is seen standing next to the speaker.

“French authorities are investigating the possibility this woman could be Hayat Boumeddiene,” the source told CNN.

Her husband, Amedy Coulibaly, was killed by police in a rescue at the Paris market on Jan. 9.

Boumeddiene, who is believed to be in Syria, married Coulibaly in a religious ceremony, but the marriage was not officially recognized under French law.

Kosher market gunman Amedy Coulibaly (left) and his widow, Hayat BoumeddieneGetty Images

The attack at the market came a day after commando-style Islamic gunmen killed 12 people in a bloodbath at the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

The latest ISIS video calls for more attacks on soldiers and police officers in France.

“If you fight for democracy, we will fight for Islam,” the speakers say in the latest video. “You will have to accept that we will react fully to the numerous crimes you committed. You took our rights. Therefore you can’t expect to be in peace.”