Elisabeth Vincentelli

Elisabeth Vincentelli


Poe musical ‘Nevermore’ looks great but overstays its welcome

More than its plot or score, what you’ll remember from the Poe musical “Nevermore” is its look.

Bretta Gerecke’s costumes, makeup and props are part Edward Gorey, part Tim Burton and mostly in ghoulish black and white — as were several members of the audience recently, who looked as if they’d stepped out of a Siouxsie Sioux concert. The whole thing gives off a spooky steampunk vibe perfect for a show subtitled “The Imaginary Life and Mysterious Death of Edgar Allan Poe.”

Writer/composer/director Jonathan Christenson set out to treat Poe’s biography like one of his tales. It helped that the macabre scribe’s life was as tragic as it was short.

As told here, Poe (Scott Shpeley) just couldn’t get a break — everybody he ever loved either went insane or died, or both. When the forlorn teen finally met a girl, Elmira (Shannon Blanchet), who shared his morbid imagination, her father nipped their romance in the bud.

No wonder Poe took to writing stormy poems — and to the bottle.

“Nevermore” first played in NYC in 2010, at the New Victory Theater, which specializes in fare for young audiences. Though the production’s been revised since, the tone is often cartoonish — starting with our hero’s hair, gelled up into a spike that recalls Ed Grimley’s, the Martin Short character.

Shpeley also plays young Edgar with a dazed innocence that makes him look like a passive ninny. That wild-eyed demeanor helps soften the blow when the 20-something Poe marries his 13-year-old cousin. Spoiler alert: She dies early, too.

This avalanche of calamities grows tedious, and even the visual riches and late references to Poe’s writing can’t break the monotony. You may find yourself wishing the show, like so many of its characters, had ended prematurely.