Why there is a chance Mirza Teletovic won’t play again

Odds are strong Nets 3-point shooting specialist Mirza Teletovic will recover from his pulmonary embolism and play at some point next season in the NBA.

Serena Williams suffered a blood clot in her lungs in 2011 after sleeping in an awkward position on a cross-country flight from JFK to Los Angeles and wound up winning three more U.S. Opens. She still is going strong.

But there are no guarantees this doesn’t turn into a career-threatening episode, according to medical experts.

The Nets announced Teletovic still is undergoing treatment and testing at an Los Angeles hospital after suffering a pulmonary embolism and is out for the season. Pulmonary embolisms usually occur when an undetected blood clot in the leg travels to the lungs. It often is fatal if not diagnosed quickly and treated with blood thinners.

According to medical experts that include vascular surgeons, hematologists and cardialogists, Teletovic likely is undergoing a gamut of bloodwork to ensure he doesn’t have blood conditions that make him prone to clots that could end his career at age 29.

If the bloodwork shows Teletovic has an autoimmune disease called antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, he may need to take blood thinners the rest of his life. The medical community is in debate on whether someone on blood thinners can play contact sports such as basketball. Most opinions are it is unsafe because of fear of internal bleeding.

After a pulmonary embolism, there is also fear of long-term damage to the heart. According to experts, Teletovic likely will undergo stress tests soon for that reason. Medical experts say even if his bloodwork is normal, Teletovic could be on blood thinners for six months to a year.

Teletovic is a restricted free agent this summer, and the Knicks could have a lot of interest in him because of his shooting ability as a 6-foot-9 big man for the triangle. The Nets can match any offer.

The club said Saturday no further updates will be made on Teletovic until his treatments and tests are completed.