
Netanyahu’s protocol

In his State of the Union, President Obama once again refused to acknowledge America’s war with radical Islam.

Even after the bloody Charlie Hebdo attack carried out by gunmen claiming to be avenging the Prophet Mohammed, the president won’t even say ���radical Islam.”

So House Speaker John Boehner went looking for a leader willing to talk to Congress about the challenge posed by Islamist terror. He found Benjamin Netanyahu.

The Ohio Republican invited Israel’s prime minister to address a joint meeting of Congress on March 3. Specifically, Netanyahu is expected to address Islamic extremism and the threat of a nuclear Iran.

Which is particularly timely, given how President Obama used his speech Tuesday night to say he’ll veto any attempts by Congress to impose sanctions on Iran.

Meanwhile, the White House has announced President Obama won’t be meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu then because the date is too close to Israeli elections.

Remember, it’s not just Republicans who have issues with Obama’s approach here. The former Democratic chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Bob Menendez (NJ), says the Obama administration’s talking points on Iran sound like they were written in Tehran.

And his position on Islamist terror is too much for even The New York Times’ Tom Friedman, who says Obama has “entered the theater of the absurd” by refusing to acknowledge it.

Team Obama’s response? Speaker Boehner violated “protocol” by not first clearing the Netanyahu invite with them. How rich coming from a president who’s made a habit of violating the Constitution.