US News

Dimwitted booze thief thwarted by … exit gate

If you’re gonna fail, fail spectacularly.

A dimwitted thief in the Russian city of Yekaterinburg did just that. After carefully choosing three bottles of booze from a supermarket shelf,  the would-be robber broke into a full sprint for the exit.

Unfortunately for the sneak, what appeared to be a flimsy turnstile was actually a “one-way gate,” according to Metro. Slamming hard into the closed gate, he tumbled head over heals before crashing to the floor in a heap.

To complete the epic fail, the dopey thief then “pretended to be dead,” before a passing man helped him to his feet and handed him over to police, according to Storyful.

The foiled heist was so bad, it may have inspired pity from store owners. The thief’s only punishment was to pay for the damage done, including the $30 worth of cheap champagne he tried to swipe.