
BlackBerry caught tweeting from an iPhone

Their other phone is an iPhone, apparently.

In an unfortunate twist for smartphone maker BlackBerry, whoever runs the struggling company’s official Twitter account is an avid iPhone user, according to The Verge.

Tuesday morning was business as usual for @BlackBerry, as the account sent tweets about CES, celebrity fans and the company’s mobile management system BES12. Then it sent a seemingly innocent tweet that read, “Keep up with the conversation on @twitter,” with a picture of the BlackBerry Classic.

As with all tweets, the message was time stamped at the bottom, but embarrassingly for BlackBerry, it also said, “via Twitter for iPhone.”

The tweet was quickly deleted, but not before enterprising techies grabbed pictures of the incriminating tweet.

This isn’t the first time that BlackBerry has run into this problem.

Back in February 2013, BlackBerry’s “Global Creative Director” Alicia Keys was caught tweeting about the smartphone company from an iPhone.