US News

AirAsia jet made ‘unbelievably’ steep climb before crash

Preliminary radar data suggests the ill-fated AirAsia jetliner was possibly pushed beyond the Airbus A320’s operational limits when it made an “unbelievably” steep climb before plunging into the sea, according to a source familiar with the probe, Reuters reported.

“So far, the numbers taken by the radar are unbelievably high. This rate of climb is very high, too high. It appears to be beyond the performance envelope of the aircraft,” said the source, who declined to be identified.

The data was sent before air traffic controllers in Jakarta lost track of Flight 8501 on Sunday, the source said, adding that the information used for the assumptions was still incomplete.

Investigators are considering the role of stormy weather and the pilots’ reactions to it before the six-year-old aircraft crashed into the Java Sea, killing all 162 people aboard.

The cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder, or black boxes, have yet to be found.

“With the CVR and FDR, we can establish what went on in the cockpit and what was going on with the aircraft. We can conclude if the radar information is accurate,” the source said.

The pilot requested permission to climb from 32,000 feet to 38,000 feet and turn left to avoid stormy weather a little more than a half-hour after taking off from Surabaya on a flight to Singapore.

Jakarta responded two minutes later by asking the crew to deviate left for seven miles and climb to 34,000 feet – but the pilots did not respond while the plane was still detected by controllers.

An image reportedly leaked from AirNav Indonesia, which handles the local airspace, apparently shows the plane at 36,300 feet and climbing at 353 knots, Reuters reported. AirNav Indonesia declined to comment.

Authorities monitor progress in the search for AirAsia Flight QZ8501 in the Mission Control Center inside the National Search and Rescue Agency in Jakarta.Reuters

Two veteran pilots told Reuters that the information suggests the doomed aircraft may have climbed suddenly and lost speed – possibly stalling and crashing.

An A320 cruises at a speed of about Mach 0.78 – or about 516 knots – at 32,000 feet, one pilot said.

“If you encounter turbulence, you go slower at what we call the turbulence penetration speed to get through it. If you climb to avoid turbulence, you slow down to have a better climb rate.

That could be around Mach 0.76,” he told Reuters. “But if you climb suddenly and start to lose speed, you will stall.”

Aircraft tracking website said other aircraft in the area were at between 34,000 and 39,000 feet.

“We know that there was severe local weather and big clouds. But they (the other planes) were higher and did not appear to encounter any major problems. We want to look into that too,”the source close to the probe said.

Industry sources told Reuters there could be similarities between the AirAsia incident and the 2009 crash of an Air France Airbus A330. The investigation in that case showed the co-pilot lost speed readings because of icing.

He apparently kept trying to climb despite stall warnings over the Atlantic.

Industry experts say the A320’s systems usually prevent pilots from doing anything outside safe flight limits – but the safeguards can be disabled in some situations.